Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Learning Activities

Week 6 Learning Activities

Q Learning Activity #1: 1. What happens when strategies and culture are not aligned? Give examples from your reading and Internet research. 2. What is the difference with an organization which is aligned and one which is not aligned? Give examples through use of Internet and library research. Be thorough in your answer citing references where needed.

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Workplace culture is very important for the organization to run its business because a negative culture will make the whole atmosphere of the workplace negative and which will directly affect the working of the employee. Along with it, it is also very important for the organization to have a powerful and efficient strategy to do well in the market and reach the goal of the company. These two factors of the organization when are aligned together and have a sync with one another pours a huge amount of profit to the organization but when the two goes to the different direction it affects the working of the organization is a very negative way.